Wednesday, July 18

Day Number Three

Hello everyone,

Today was day 3 of VBS and English clubs. both continue to go well and i think we are getting the hang of it. The team is doing well - all are fairly healthy today with the exception of a couple soar throats and a few tummy rumbles. VBS was the best day yet as the kids are getting more comfortable with us and the RC team, and i think we finally mastered the songs after a number of rehearsals. The English clubs and following spiritual time continue to go well. We are getting into more of a rhythm as well as enjoying the partnership of working together with our RC brethren. All these things have made for an extremely busy schedule with only a little time early in the morning, late at night, or just after lunch to eat, plan & prepare for the day or next day, or just rest and relax.

As the week moves along, several prayer requests come to mind:
- continued team rest and health
- for God to open the hearts of the people who come to spiritual time
- for opportunities for clear presentation of the gospel
- for the intermediate English class which was at first canceled, but was re-instituted today due to necessity
- culture & language barriers with the students

Thanks everybody for reading and have a great day!



JPK said...

I am praying for you Matt and the rest of the team.

Anonymous said...

You are all in our thoughts and prayers and we are wishing you all strength and health. You're doing a wonderful job.

from Janet (Lindsay's Mom)